The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Fisher's Produce Tulsa:  Harvest Update

Hello Friends,

Sorry for the late posting. My wife and I were out of town for a farmer friend’s wedding until this afternoon and then I went straight to the asparagus field. We will leave our orders open until noon tomorrow, but the sooner you get them in, the better.

We are picking strawberries! We plan to include them in this week’s CSA. I have posted a few extra to sell, but I really don’t know how many we will have until we pick tomorrow. Yesterday’s picking went to all of the extended family and to the strawberry shortcake party we are having this evening for Hudson’s first birthday.

This week’s CSA will likely include:

Lettuce (Head or mix, I don’t know)
Salad Turnips

We are delivering to Brookside, Congregation B’nai Emunah, Spirit Event Center, and Okmulgee.

See you on Wednesday,


Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Planting time!

Hello! The market is open.

This week: asparagus, broccoli, turnip greens, lettuce, pak choy, and eggs!

Fountain Springs farm is still having a special on ground pork and pork sausage. Five 1 lb packages for $20!

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse has lots of tomato plants and a few bell peppers left. These plants in gallon pots are large and strong and ready to set into your garden. Order your herbs, vegetable plants, and hanging baskets now. We also have several new perennial friends flowering this week, as well as most of the ones listed previous weeks. The several colors of astilbe will be in bloom this week, as well as beard-tongue, carnations, and lavenders. The Sweet Williams (Dianthus) and foam flowers are still spectacular. Add some bright cheerfulness to your spring garden. Don’t forget our beautiful planters for Mother’s Day! Purchase or reserve yours now before they are gone.

Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Also I have to share this amazing Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe I made with Fountain Springs farm Chicken breasts. it was a hit!

Like us on Facebook and check out our baby IMAX of Petalland’s gorgeous flower bouquets.

GFM :  New Vendors

Good Afternoon Everyone. What a beautiful day we are having. Pray each of you are enjoying this sunshine.

Just wanted to let you know, the market is open for the week, with several new vendors joining us, both on line, and they will also be at opening day of the Market, which is, can you believe it, this Saturday, May 2.

We will not be in our usual place this week, but will be under the Andrew Johnson Pavilion, In the Greene County Fairgrounds. We will have approx. 10 vendors on that day with all sorts of things. Come on out and join us.

See you soon,
J. Shelton

StPete.LocallyGrown.Net:  Market NOW Open - Apr. 27, 2015

Cucumbers, green beans, and tomatoes, OH MY!

8 Great Benefits of Drinking Cucumber Water

Ready To Order?

sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and we did not receive an order from you. Call your Market Manager for help.

SPLG BENEFIT: We know the Growers!

One of the important jobs of your Market Manager is to build supplier relationships on your behalf. These ties with valuable local resources have been nurtured over years of give and take and getting to know each others’ work ethic. This makes it easier for our Customers to commit to supporting these important local resources. We are fortunate that our vendors—we call them Growers—have similar mindsets and have made a commitment to produce high quality, chemical-free produce and products for the local community. Building our Grower base was a big challenge when we first launched back in 2010. The trend towards chemical-free has exploded since then and now we have vendors pursuing us! Many of our Growers are small entrepreneurial enterprises like our own. We provide them with great online exposure in many ways and, in turn, they help our Market remain well rounded with high quality variety. We want you to know that several of the larger Growers who support us don’t really need our business. However, they understand the importance of small local businesses and take social responsibility by making an investment in our future. THANK YOU to all Growers—large and small—who provide healthy products for our grateful Customers!


Volunteer Rita Sewell for representing our Market at Eckerd College this past weekend for the “Food Security Conference: Focus on Production & Sustainability”
Volunteers—and New England snow birds—John & JanJee Bean and sisters Anita & Rita Roux soon departing for their summer homes. These generous folks are important to our SPLG Volunteer Team and we look forward to their return for next season. We are really going to miss them!

Volunteer Opportunities

To sustain this Market for the long term, we will need more Customers to get involved as Volunteers. If you have a vested interest in keeping this Market going, please volunteer some time to make that happen. We have organized our volunteer needs by Grower and by Market. RIGHT NOW, the Market needs the most help.

St. Pete Locally Grown Market in St. Pete is the hub for selling fine products of many of the Growers below needing volunteers—and all those listed on Our Growers page.

Nathan’s Natural Veggies in St. Pete
Pioneer Settlement Garden in St. Pete
The Dancing Goat in Oldsmar
Alexandra Lake Farm in Dade City

Message from Your Market Manager

ON SALE this week
Several lamb cuts (loin and shoulder chops), white and red infused balsamic vinegars, grass-fed butter, white garlic, shallots, and specially formulated laundry soap for athletes (ALL SPORT).

SPLG’s fruit basket
Medjool dates, luscious local papayas, and Washington State fancy fuji apples. We partner with another local small business to meet the minimum purchase requirement from our large distributor of Certified Organic non-local fruits and veggies. Regrets that we are light on fruit this week as our partner was not able to participate. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence. We will plan an abundance for next Market in two weeks.

WELCOME New Grower Coeurisma
Jenifer Slocum joins us this week with her own line of coconut oil using all Certified Organic ingredients. I was struck by her passion to have an impact on our local community. Read all about Coeurisma and then try out her products. Jenifer will be the speaker at our next potluck social on May 23rd where you can sample them and she will explain the health benefits of this saturated fat. One of her products is flavored with dark chocolate… Processed in a commercial kitchen in Largo, Jennifer makes small batches, to order, by hand. In the future, as demand for volume grows, High Pressure Pascalization (HPP) will be implemented for the product. Visit for a definition. Coeurisma’s website is a work in progress and may reflect HPP in some browsers as the original launch intended to implement this process. Jenifer wants to be transparent and state that they are NOT currently using HPP in their operation but they intend to as soon as feasible. If you want to get to know Jenifer, you can meet her and sample her products at the Local Artisan’s Market located inside William’s Sonoma at the International Mall in Tampa on Saturday, May 2nd from 11am – 4pm.

WELCOME BACK Strawberry Passion Farms
With strawberry season over, Jerry & Charlie of Strawberry Passion Farms are still working hard in Plant City to grow other Certified Organic veggies. This week they’ve got cucumbers, strawberry onions, round yellow squash, and string beans. Let’s hear it for the basics! They will have produce available until June. Rumor has it they MIGHT try to grow all summer. Keep your fingers crossed! Do read about the Strawberry Onions grown in Central Florida. “…this onion is planted on the edge of the fields to keep bugs and pests away from the precious strawberry crops.” They are supposed to be impacted by the sweetness in the strawberries and we have some this week!

NEWS from Faithful Farms
Tara reports that “We don’t have any lettuce as the last cold snap damaged the leaves with freeze spots and we can’t sell them.  So it will be several weeks before we have them again. We do have spinach, etc. and new for this week Shishito peppers. Shishito peppers are generally mild but 1 in approx every ten will light you up. Chefs are going crazy for them right now. They add them to dishes but not as the main ingredient.”

Have you tried our new DIRECT ORDER SERVICE?
Debra Black of Mrs. Chippy’s Plant World is really moving forward to expand our Market’s capabilities. Our new DIRECT ORDER SERVICE makes it possible for you to order larger plants in bigger pots. Debra’s variety continues to “grow”. Did you know that you can filter by Grower to see all of her—and any Grower’s—items? Watch our Market Tutorial at the 2:10 time mark for instructions on that.

Once you have submitted your order, if in doubt about what you owe, you can always confirm what you have been charged for by checking your account history and viewing your most current invoice. Instructions on how to do that are on our Q&A page under the question entitled Since you don’t provide an invoice with delivery, how do I know what I owe? Also, since your vegetables are picked fresh within 24 hours of delivery, they should be lasting for WEEKS in your refrigerator. When you accept delivery, please take a few minutes to inspect your order to protect your vegetables from unnecessary spoilage. Lastly, it is imperative that you understand our policy on Unclaimed Orders found on our Q&A page. When you make a purchase you are agreeing to abide by this policy.

Our Market has high standards for what it sells. Despite that—as seasons transition—the challenges of evolving weather and pesky insects can take its toll on the crops. Market Growers are being very selective about what they are willing to present to you. No, it won’t always be picture perfect (which is part of its charm) and sometimes an insect is going to evade capture! But we won’t send you anything that we wouldn’t eat ourselves. If for any reason we have goofed and you are dissatisfied, please report it to me right away so we can rectify the situation. That’s how we get better and we all benefit from that. Your satisfaction is key to our success as a resource for St. Petersburgs’ lovers of chemical-free, organically & locally grown vegetables.

Upcoming Events

All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events


  • “Successful Urban Farming in St. Petersburg” on May 9th, 8-10AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
  • REAL DIRT: Make Your Own” on May 16th, 8-10AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
  • “Monthly Potluck Social”, May 23rd, Nathan’s Garden Tour Begins at 5:30PM for active Market customers, growers, and volunteers. BY e-vite ONLY. SPEAKER THIS MONTH: New Grower, Jenifer Slocum, owner of Coeurisma, local provider of coconut oil using all organic ingredients, will speak on the health benefits of coconut oil and the energy this saturated fat provides.

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Madison GA:  The Market is Open!!!!!!

See everyone Wed at Auto1!!!!!!

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Locally Grown - Availability for April 29th , 2015

Hey Local Food Lovers,

Just a quick reminder to get you some good Local Food this week. The asparagus has folks attention, but you gotta order fast to get it. It’s fun to see some of these specialty seasonal items get gobbled up.

I picked my first asparagus a little over a week ago, and i scooped out some of the soft innards of a stalk to let my 9 month old little girl have her first taste, just a few minutes after it had been cut from the ground. She loved it. So I let her hold the spear and chew on the end like a teething toy. Now that’s what life should be like. Not plastic teething rings, but fresh organic asparagus spears, dangling from babies mouths, getting them used to the taste and nutrition of locally grown food. I think letting her dig into a hard boiled pastured raised egg is coming up soon as well.

Promotions for the 2015 Georgia Mountains Farm Tour is now in full swing. The event is in exactly two months and you can order a weekend pass now from our website

The proceeds from our Farm Tour is what our local farmers use to fund all our collaborations throughout the year including visits to each others farms, an annual farmer dinner, and this year we’re planning a few technical workshops that we’ll open to the public. Farmers collaborating is what made it possible for Locally Grown to exist, and its what allows farmers to exchange information and grow the local food movement stronger. If you or your business would like to SUPPORT the local food movement and our farmers network in particular we are currently looking for a small handful of SPONSORS for the farm tour. If you think you or your business would like to become actively involved in helping farmers, this small contribution would be a huge and direct help, and help to promote your business. Donations are tax-deductible. Click here for details

And if you have other suggestions of potential sponsors, please let us know when you attend market this week.

One of the most exciting things we’re adding to this year’s farm tour, and was one of the most requested areas that farmers wanted the Network to help support them, is the organization of some CROP MOBS, which are basically days that volunteers can come out and play farmer for a day, and really help farms catch up on some projects as well. Andrew is organizing some dates and locations for those currently. If you’d really like to help a farmer out with some simple bending over work for a few hours sometime in early June send Andrew an e-mail. It should be a great way to really BECOME a part of the Local Food movement in North Georgia!

Another great way to get involved is to eat local food. So we hope you order from Locally Grown this week and EAT WELL!

Justin and Teri in Habersham
Chuck in Rabun
Andrew in Hall

Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

No blog post today, as my Internet is down due to the storm on Saturday. The pleasures of living in a picturesque area. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday!

Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Don't for get to place your orders.

Get those orders in before 8:00. We have so many wonderful foods available to bless your tummy and your health.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Mary Beth

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  Have you ordered? Market closes at 8:00pm!

The Market Is Open until 8:00pm tonight!

Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map

Take me to the Market.

Joyful thoughts and bountiful blessings,


“Like” us on facebook!

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Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill:  Countdown to Close ... Please Read!

Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!

Thank you to those who have already placed orders!

In October we found it necessary to establish minimums for each Market. After Market close this evening, you will receive an email letting you know that minimum for the Market was not met and you will be given a choice to pick up at the Lawrenceville location or cancellation of your order. We sincerely hope that this will not be the case; however, at the time of this writing the total for the Market is a little more than 1/4 of the required minimum of $650.

Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’! Please continue to share the Market with friends and family!

Check your Grocery List and get your orders in before 8:00pm this evening for delivery on Thursday!

Hop on over to the Market and place your order…

Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map

Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

See you at Market on Thursday!
Thank you for your support!

“Like” us on facebook!

BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!

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